
“The park is the only bit of nature readily available to the city dweller. It offers neither the rich awesomeness of the wilderness nor the perpetual ease of the suburb, but only a temporary, pleasant release from the tensions of its immediate surroundings. Harold Altman, the urban artist, has found the city park the ideal setting for the discreet, internal dramas that constitute his art. The artist has been technically adventurous, which his subject matter has remained intentionally limited; his technique is meticulous and precise, while his settings are sensuous and often undefined. It is a fine amalgam that results in this delicate and deep chamber music that raises the prosaic to the level of the poetic.”

—George L. Mauner, Art Historian

Altman was best known amongst critics and collectors for his color lithographs depicting Central Park, the parks of Paris, and rural Pennsylvania. Though he practiced lithography his entire career, his greatest era of production was in the 1980s. During that time, Altman worked exclusively in lithography, and produced more than 360 unique editions.


Painting & Drawing

